This isn’t the best abandoned page on the Interwebz, but it’s mine.
How to find initial function authors in large Git repo
Moving site to Jekyll, trying Mermaid diagrams, Mathjax LaTex
How to safely transform a routing domain
Paper: Scanning the Internet for Liveness
How many spares do you need?
How many BGP routers can a big AS have?
Why Hulc LED process consumes so much CPU on 2960 platforms?
What happens if you start a Cisco 6500 switch without the fan module?
Cisco 6500 VSS flap during SSO switchover if some features are configured
How Cisco ESA treats email traffic
How do I test if my email antispam and antivirus work?
Cisco UCS HyperFlex FE class notes
How to write long iterative configs
How hypervisor-level antivirus works (ESXi)
General IP Routing
Some notes on EIGRP history and metrics
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